No great diarist - me. However, as a ‘Synod Virgin’ in this new Quinquennium (5-year-term) of the General Synod of the Church of England, I thought I would try jotting a few notes down. If it goes well, I may go back and transfer my written notes from the inaugural meetings back in Nov2005, and ‘pre-date’ them.
“Into the New Quinqennium” reads the title of one of the Synod Papers (GS1607); setting out some of the business Synod is likely to cover in the next 5 years. And it also includes Archbishop Rowan Williams’ (++R) Presidential Address.
In it, he quotes from Australian cartoonist and writer Michael Leunig (see here, and here) about how we deal with things. There are only two responses: to feelings, languages, activities, motives, procedures and frameworks. There are only two: Love and Fear (taken from A Common Prayer, Michael Leunig, 1990).
That fairly sums up my hopes, concerns, aspirations, and ambitions for this next quinqunnium. Using the language of the King James Version, in its work and play, may this Synod “Fear God”, the “God [who] is Love”.
Iraq and Uncertainty
2 days ago
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